How many of you have asked yourselves, “Why me?” “Why my son/daughter?” “Why does he/she have to go through this?” “Why can’t this be easier?”
It is human nature to ask those questions, and many more. A parent of a child with cancer asks themselves the same questions.
You were chosen for your son/daughter.
I’ve been told this very thing. Yes, on occasion I think I can’t do this. Someone chose wrong.
When I look in my son’s eyes, I know I was meant to be his mama and walk through this journey with him. I am the one that was meant to be on the sidelines cheering him on, with every milestone he hits. I am his person. I am the one that should be comforting his anxiety and fears. And I am SO PROUD and LUCKY to be HIS mother!
I have worked to change my thinking. I still work on it. If given the opportunity I would take his struggles away from him any day. What parent wouldn’t want to take all the hard things for their child.