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Somedays I look at my husband and tell him, “I Quit.”

“I can’t do it anymore!”

“I Quit.”

He looks at me and says, “do you really quit?” “You will never quit loving your babies.”

So I cry and say, “No, it’s just so hard some days!”

That is the truth with raising kids in general, not even taking into consideration things like autism and rare food allergies.

But somedays, it feels good to quit!  Even if it is just speaking the words.  Speaking them out loud is like setting a reset button.

I would never and will never quit on my children.  NEVER!

I will never stop advocating for what they need!

I will never stop trying to make their lives better for their futures!

I will never stop loving them!!

But I will make mistakes as a parent, wife and friend.

I will not be perfect.  And it’s okay!